We've put together a quick guide for everything you need to know about first aid in the construction industry.
What first aid do I need in construction?
We've broken down what your first aid requirements are into 4 simple steps.

Top picks - Construction first aid kits
Here is a list of our top picks for construction first aid kits. It is essential you consider for every work area including work vehicles as well as other risks such as snake and spider bites.R1 Ute Max First Aid Kit, Soft Pack
Compliant work vehicle first aid kit.
No. persons: 1-10 vehicle
Additional risks covered: N/A
R2 Constructa Max First Aid Kit, Soft Pack
Compliant portable site first aid kit.
No. persons: 1-25 workplace
Additional risks covered: Eye & outdoor injuries
R2 Constructa Max First Aid Kit, Tackle Box
Compliant portable site first aid kit.
No. persons: 1-25 workplace
Additional risks covered: Eye & outdoor injuries
R4 Constructa Medic First Aid Kit, Metal Wall Mount
Compliant first aid room or site office kit.
No. persons: 1-50 workplace
Additional risks covered: Burns, eye & outdoor injuries
Snake & Spider Bite First Aid Kit, Soft Pack
Ideal addition to any first aid kit.
No. persons: N/A
Additional risks covered: N/A
View all of our Construction Kits here!
Have you considered a defibrillator?
Providing an automated external defibrillator can reduce the risk of fatality from cardiac arrest. It is a useful addition for workplaces where there is a risk of electrocution or where there are large numbers of members of the public.Source: FIRST AID IN THE WORKPLACE Code of Practice March 2015, SafeWork Australia
View all of our Defibrillator range here
Need a first aid room?
A first aid room should be established at the workplace if a risk assessment indicates that it would be difficult to administer appropriate first aid unless a first aid room is provided. A first aid room is recommended for:
- Low risk workplaces with 200 workers or more
- High risk workplaces with 100 workers or more
Source: FIRST AID IN THE WORKPLACE Code of Practice March 2015, SafeWork Australia
View all first aid room equipment here
Download our Whitepaper: Complete guide to Workplace First Aid Compliance
We've put together a complete guide to Workplace First Aid Compliance to help your workplace get prepared, compliant, and ready to respond.
As always, if you need help with choosing the right first aid kit for you or your business we're always here to help!