✅ Stationery stocked
✅ New diary for 2023
❌ First aid kit audited
The holidays are over and most of us have returned back to work. You've probably thought about and actioned a lot of things to get a fresh start on the New Year (yes, it's probably the last time your desk will look that clean!), but one thing you may not have considered is the workplace first aid kit.
It's the perfect time to do a fresh audit on your first aid kit ( and maybe even set up a regular schedule to do this!). We recommend you audit your first aid kit at least every 12 months, or after each use, as per the FIRST AID IN THE WORKPLACE Code of Practice.

Sure, you might be thinking 'Well no one used the kit last year - there weren't any accidents or injuries, so the kit will be fine!'. This may be true, but you may not have considered that the contents of the kit can (and do) expire, and may be unsuitable for use should the time come for a first aid emergency. There may have also been instances when someone has used the kit without your knowledge, or the kit had been tampered with in some way, and needs to be replenished. It's important to regularly check your first aid kit to ensure it's always ready to respond.

Something else to consider is the number of employees in your workplace. You may have had staff leave throughout 2022, or taken on a lot more employees for the new year. It's important to note how many employees are in your workplace as this will dictate what type and how many first aid kits you need by law. Small office settings may only require one kit, whereas larger workplaces may require multiple kits (and possibly defibrillators, a first aid room etc).
Your complete guide to Workplace First Aid Compliance
We have a handy guide to all things workplace first aid here if you're looking for more information on your first aid compliance requirements.
Not sure what first aid kits or equipment you need for your size workplace? The team at FastAid are industry experts and can help with any questions you may have around first aid. You can get in touch with us here!