Why a first aid kit is a MUST for Tradies

We know our Tradies are busy - they're the backbone of Australia, carrying and building our great nation. HOWEVER, we also know they carry with them a no fuss persona which can land them in a bit of trouble.

I think we all have a tradie in our lives who will fix a cut finger with super glue (don't do this), or strap an ankle with duct tape (or this, unless you want a free wax!). Instead, lets normalise ensuring our Tradies are prepared for what the workforce throws at them, unexpected first aid emergencies. We'll cover the boring but important legalities of workplace first aid as well as our best recommendations for the perfect kit for every Tradie - because every Tradie in Aus needs one.

First aid compliance is mandatory – it’s the law

Think some Tradies don't need a first aid kit? Think again! 

“A person conducting a business or undertaking [PCBU] has the primary duty under the WHS Act to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking. 

A PCBU must ensure:
− provision of first aid equipment
− each worker at the workplace has access to the equipment
− access to facilities for administering first aid"

Source: FIRST AID IN THE WORKPLACE Code of Practice July 2019, SafeWork Australia

So this means that all Tradies (even solo Tradies) are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate first aid equipment which is accessible at all times. This means if you travel from an office, to sites, to working from your vehicle, you'll need a kit that covers all applications.

The right first aid kit for your vehicle

If you're a traveling Tradie (travelling between sites, offices etc), you'll need a vehicle compliant first aid kit. We recommend the R1 Vehicle Max or the R1 Ute Max to ensure your work vehicle is compliant.

If you're a Tradie doing site work - you NEED a workplace compliant first aid kit

A standard vehicle kit won't cut the mustard here - you need a workplace compliant first aid kit. The type of kit you need however will depend on a few important factors:

"To meet your duty as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to provide access to first aid equipment, facilities and trained first aiders you must have regard to all relevant matters, including the following:
− the nature of the work being carried out at the workplace
− the nature of the hazards at the workplace
− the size and location of the workplace, and
− the number and composition of the workers and other persons at the workplace"

Source: FIRST AID IN THE WORKPLACE Code of Practice July 2019, SafeWork Australia

In summary - you need to consider all the potential risk factors and hazards that occur in your industry - these could include outdoors, burns, eye injuries, food handling and remote locations. You also need to consider the number of people - is it a solo Tradie or a group etc which will determine the size of kit you need.

We recommend following our compliance journey here for more help on choosing the perfect first aid kit for you, however, our top picks for tradie kits that should cover most Trades are the R2 Constructa Max, R2 Workplace Response, and the R2 Industra Max first aid kits.

PSA - Solo Tradies still need their own workplace compliant first aid kit on site

Don't rely on a site to cover your first aid needs! You must have your own compliant workplace first aid kit available to you at all times.

    Looking for more information on workplace first aid?

    We have a handy guide to all things workplace first aid here if you're looking for more information on your first aid compliance requirements.

    🎉 We're here to help! 🎉

    We know our Tradies are busy and determining first aid requirements can be confusing - but we're here to help! Reach out to our team for assistance with your first aid needs.

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